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How to Keep Your Brain Injury-Free

How to Keep Your Brain Injury-Free
May 14, 2018 / By medadmin

How to Keep Your Brain Injury-Free

Our brain is the most utilized tool when it comes to the operation and health of our body. When an unexpected injury happens and our brain gets damaged, it can significantly affect overall functioning. Everyday people and athletes alike can suffer from a brain injury after an accident. Here we have covered information about brain injury types, symptoms and prevention. People of all ages, young or older can be at risk for a brain injury if there are threats to their immediate environment, as a brain injury lawyer Memphis, TN trusts can attest to.

Is medical attention always needed?

After a fall, car accident or other harmful event happens, it is important for a person to get medical attention immediately. If a brain injury is suspected, have someone take you to the nearest emergency room or call 9-1-1 if you are not sure you can safely get there yourself. Brain injuries can be very serious and potentially life-threatening very quickly. Even if you are not experiencing any obvious symptoms, sometimes an evaluation performed by a medical professional in addition to diagnostics is necessary.

How can I prevent a brain injury from happening to me?

Depending on your daily life, routines, vehicles, whether you play sports or have a dangerous job, there are many ways to help prevent from a traumatic brain injury happening to you. Some prevention methods include:

  1. Always using gear for sports and recreational activities
  2. Using protective work equipment that fits well and is not worn or has holes/tears
  3. If riding a motorcycle, invest in helmets that are approved for safety
  4. Never use an unsteady ladder or step stool
  5. Removing area rugs that are torn or curling at the ends
  6. Keeping stairways clean of clutter and strewn objects
  7. Regular exercise to increase balance and strength
  8. Always keeping a slipmat in the bath tub/shower
  9. Getting regular eye exams & updating eye prescription
  10. Adding light to poorly lit areas of your home or work
  11. Never getting behind the wheel while under the influence

What kind of symptoms are associated with a brain injury?

Those who are impacted by a brain injury may suffer from a wide range of symptoms. A victim can endure communication, cognitive, social, behavioral, emotional, and sensory difficulties. More specific symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Difficulty talking or writing
  2. Disorganized thoughts & ideas
  3. Challenges with interactions & following conversations
  4. Feelings of depression, anxiety & irritability
  5. Experiencing newly developed insomnia
  6. Ringing in the ears
  7. Feeling imbalanced or dizzy often
  8. Double vision and/or blind spots

How can I prevent my children from getting a brain injury?

Children can be playful and are often full of energy. You can help keep your young children safe by installing safety gates at the top of your stairway, keeping stairs clean by removing toys and clothing, adding guards for the windows, securing rugs/carpets and opting for playgrounds that have shock-absorbant floors.

What conditions can be caused as a result of a brain injury?

There is some research that suggests very severe or repeating traumatic brain injuries can make someone more likely to develop a degenerative brain illness. Examples of degenerative brain disorders include alzheimer’s disease, dementia pugilistica, and parkinson’s disease.

Thank to our friends and contributors from Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC for their insight into brain injury.