Do you get sick around the same time each year? The stress of the holidays (if not carefully managed) can wreak havoc on your immune system. When you feel stressed out, your immune system’s ability to fight off harmful bacteria and infections is reduced. The stress hormone cortisol can suppress the effectiveness of your immune system, and many people become more prone to a not-so-healthy coping mechanism like eating inflammatory foods, smoking, and getting less sleep as a result.
Has the holiday stress slowly creeped into your body? Malls are still crowded. Santa has come and gone, the ball has dropped on another new year, and your body and waste line are now paying the toll. Holiday times are already stressful to our body’s…so there is no need to add more stress! Therefore, we need to support the body during these winter months. Come winter, most people’s vitamin D levels that were already low, become severely diminished. >>Vitamin D deficiency is STRESSFUL to the body<< Vitamin D deficiency not only causes weaker bones but also cause symptoms most people never new:
- Fatigue
- Immune Weakness
- Depression
- Muscle Pain
- And more more
Bottom Line:
The holidays often bring plenty of cheer…and a healthy dose of seasonal stress. Between the travel, parties, and shopping, there are a lot of demands placed on your time, your mind, and your body, and all this commotion can result in vitamin deficiencies, muscle spasms and the reoccurrence of familiar aches and pains. For many people, these aches show up in two distinct areas – the low back and the neck and shoulders. Sound familiar?
Why it Matters:
As a chiropractor trusts, we’ve seen how nagging low back or neck pain during the holidays can quickly turn into a flare-up that can sideline your new year’s plans and pile on the frustration and stress. It’s a vicious cycle, but by making a few smart decisions now, you can position yourself to have a pain-free new year’s season. Here are a few key new year’s health facts to remember:
– Stress and fatigue can lead to the re-emergence of familiar aches and pains.
– Research has shown that Chiropractic adjustments can help decrease both pain and muscle tension.
– Staying on track with your care plan will help ensure that you are moving and feeling great this new year’s season.
Next Steps:
We understand that the holidays are busy, but don’t let your busy schedule give you an excuse to put off self-care! Health and happiness go hand in hand, and your health is our top priority. By staying well-adjusted this new year, you’ll give your body the best opportunity to stay pain-free and yourself the best opportunity to start the new year off right. Be proactive and give yourself the healthy and happy new year you deserve.