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Tips for Taking Care of Your Injury - Top Med

When you visualize training for a triathlon, you imagine that you will have your routine scheduled every day, have very specific rest days, and that you will have to pay close attention to your dietary needs so that you can be in the best shape possible when you make it to race day. However, training for a triathlon is extremely rigorous work, and even when you take the necessary safety precautions during training, it is still extremely common to get a knee injury. 

Tips for Taking Care of Your Injury

There are a few immediate steps you should take right after your injury that can help ensure you heal as quickly and safely as possible so that you can keep up with your training schedule.

Tip #1: Rest and Ice Immediately. Many people prefer to follow the mantra “Push through the pain.” However, this is not a pain that a second-wind can overcome. Instead, the best thing you can do immediately following a knee injury is resting your leg and icing the area. It is also important to note that you should avoid placing hot compresses on the injury immediately.

Tip #2: Elevate and Compress. Especially if you cannot walk on the leg with the affected knee, do your best to elevate the leg when you are resting and use a compression wrap around the knee. Both of these help to reduce the inflammation to the affected area.

Tip #3: Talk With Your Doctor. When it comes to knee injuries, especially for triathletes, improper healing can cause you to miss future races. It is important that you see your medical professional, especially if the swelling, bruising, and inflammation is particularly bad. Your healthcare professional may give you options for medication, therapy, or point you in the direction of a chiropractor or knee surgeon who can help.

Tip #4: Stretch the Area. If you have minimal to no pain, gently begin stretching the area. In some cases, your knee injury may heal very quickly and you simply need to modify your training temporarily. When you listen to what your body needs instead of pushing it to stay on track for your training schedule, you may find that it heals in only a week or two.

Tip #5: Switch up Your Schedule. While your injury is healing, switch up your schedule to workouts that are not as hard on the knee. For example, focus on the swimming portion since this can still help you with your training but avoid further damage to your joints.


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