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Pediatrics in 2016 - Top Med

There are a number of trends in the field of pediatrics that are expected to continue in 2016. More and more often, physicians are using telemedicine to treat their patients. Telemedicine gives them the ability to consult with specialists in real time. Outcomes for patients are improved, and traditionally difficult to reach deep urban and rural populations have been shown to benefit. In addition, an increase in the use of apps is likely to provide more effective care. Upcoming apps will detect heart rates of fragile preemies through a touch-free system, monitor levels of medication in the blood, detect urinary tract infections through a wet diaper, and detect infections in the blood.

Another technological advancement, 3-D printers are making a great impact on the field of healthcare. Physicians can print models of organs and practice delicate surgeries before going into the operating theater. As advances are made, cartilage, tissues, and even intricate items like airway splints will be printed using this technology.

Regularly screenings for behavioral disorders are increasing the age of detection. Conditions like autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and learning disabilities are being detected at earlier ages than ever before. Screenings are streamlined, simple, and effective. In addition to early detection, pediatricians will work to implement early intervention strategies. Young children with autism, ADHD, and other disorders will receive treatments such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy from younger ages.

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