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FAQ: The Mysterious Concussion

FAQ: The Mysterious Concussion
July 04, 2018 / By medadmin

FAQ: The Mysterious Concussion

People most commonly experience concussions due to tripping and falling, or hitting their head on a hanging object they had not notice prior. Concussions may seem like a mysterious condition to some, as someone can experience such an injury without any exterior damages visible. Concussions can range anywhere from mild, to very serious and potentially life-threatening if there are any complications. Your doctor can perform an exam to determine the severity of your condition.

Through a question and answer format, we have provided more information about what exactly a concussion is, signs that a concussion may have happened to you, and when it may be appropriate to see an attorney about how your injury occurred.

What is the definition of a concussion?

A concussion arises due to a sudden blow or force to the head, which is often followed by a brief period of unconsciousness. A person is likely to feel confused or temporarily incapacitated. Such force can cause an injury to the brain, which then may affect a person’s cognitive abilities.

What are the signs that I have suffered a concussion?

Depending on how the injury happened, a person may suffer from a more moderate to critical concussion. If a severe concussion is left untreated, it can lead to dire consequences. If you believe you may have a concussion, it is recommended that you go to the nearest hospital right away. If you do not feel confident in getting yourself there safely, call for help. Symptoms commonly associated with concussions can include:

  • Pressure of the head
  • Prolonged & intense headaches
  • Temporarily losing consciousness
  • Feeling as if in a fog
  • Dizziness & disorientation
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Delayed response
  • Ringing in ears
  • Appetite changes
  • Insomnia or trouble staying asleep
  • Moodiness, irritability
  • Sensitive to light & sounds
  • Difficulty concentrating

What types of diagnostics and treatment may my doctor recommend?

A CT scan (cranial computerized tomography) is most often used as the standard method of assessing a brain injury. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may also be utilized to observe changes in the brain or identify complications after a concussion. Your doctor may test your vision, hearing, balance, coordination, memory, concentration, and more. Your doctor may suggest you rest and do not perform any activities which involve mental or physical energy. Such hobbies you may want to hold off on until you recover include sports, reading, watching television or exercising.

In what circumstances would I need to consult with an attorney?

If another person had caused the injury event which led to your concussion, he or she may have to pay you compensation for your losses. Depending on your relationship to this person, you may or may not choose to file a civil lawsuit for your medical expenses.

How can I get prepared for appointment with an attorney?

A brain injury lawyer St. Paul, MN  trusts can consult with you about the process of a civil lawsuit, to see if it is the right route for you. If you decide to meet with an attorney, bring along all paperwork related to your injuries including copies of doctor exams, diagnostics, medications, and loss of pay due to missing work for recovery.

Thank you to our friends and contributors at JOHNSTON | MARTINEAU, PLLP for their insight into brain injuries.