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Will Insurance Cover My Hair Loss Treatment?

Will Insurance Cover My Hair Loss Treatment?
April 17, 2021 / By medadmin

Will Insurance Cover My Hair Loss Treatment?

Hair Loss Treatment & Insurance

Hair loss isn’t something that every individual will experience, but there is a high percentage of people who will lose their hair at some point. Sometimes the hair loss is due to a medical condition and sometimes it is due to the natural process of aging. The good news is if you’re experiencing hair loss, there is a variety of hair loss treatments you can look into. If you’re wondering whether your insurance will cover the costs, that will depend on a few factors.

Hair Loss Caused by a Medical Condition

Depending on your insurance company, hair loss treatment might be covered if the situation is caused by a medical condition, but that’s not always the case. Often, the insurance covers a treatment that is focused on the medical condition itself, and the side effect is that your hair stops falling out and might begin to grow in thicker.

For example, someone with an enlarged prostate might be prescribed finasteride to treat the issue. The effects of DHT are blocked with this medication, which will prevent hair loss. Insurance could cover the finasteride, which means it will cover treatment for your hair loss in a roundabout way. Similarly, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome might need exams and tests so their doctors can determine how to treat them. These exams and tests could help to treat hair loss as well.

Hair Loss Caused by Natural Aging

Around 50% of men will begin to go bald by the time they turn 50 years old, and around 90% of men will go bald after that. It’s a natural part of aging as the body is unable to control DHT anymore and it begins to attack the hair follicles. Women also experience this sometimes. It isn’t necessarily a medical condition, so your insurance provider probably wouldn’t cover the cost of treatment. Insurers typically only cover treatments that are necessary or required for your wellbeing.

How To Pay for Hair Loss Treatment

Don’t be upset when you realize your insurer won’t cover your hair loss treatment. You may be able to work something out that will assist you with payments. For example, your hair transplant surgeon could work with you on a payment plan over the next year or so. You might be able to save up for a few months to gather the amount you need for your treatment and could ask for a discount when you pay with cash in full.

Contacting a Surgeon Today

Whether your hair loss is caused by natural aging or a medical condition, hair transplant surgery might be the answer. Contact a hair transplant surgeon like Dr. Robin Unger today to discuss your options.