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What Is The Goal of Chiropractic Treatment? - Chiropractor


Millions of people turn to chiropractors to relieve pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. However, how you feel after a chiropractic session may vary depending upon the treatment you receive and the condition it addresses. A chiropractic adjustment from an experienced chiropractor may bring you relief and a greater sense of wellbeing.

The Goal of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors hope to achieve two goals through their treatment plans. The first goal is to relieve pain. Most people seek chiropractic relief when they experience the following types of pain:

  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Headaches

Pain is usually due to misalignments of the spine that strain muscles, constrict joints, or cause pressure on nerves. Individuals may experience these conditions following accidents or due to the cumulative effects of poor habits.

Chiropractors use various techniques such as massage and adjustments to realign the spine and restore better long-term muscle, joint and nervous system function, which is the second goal of chiropractic treatment.

What Will You Feel After a Chiropractic Session

You may experience any of the following depending on your condition and the treatment you receive. 

Relief. Most people who visit a chiropractor for pain will likely experience less pain after a session. For example, a chiropractor who concludes that pain is due to a subluxation may perform an adjustment to restore the vertebrae’s alignment and relieve tension. You will feel immediate relief; however, if your misalignment is due to poor habits that have been in place for a long time, your pain may return soon after treatment while your muscles adjust to supporting your joints properly. As a result, you may require several more adjustments until proper alignment takes hold.

Discomfort. You may feel achy after a chiropractic adjustment or other chiropractic modalities, but that does not mean that the treatment is not working. Your muscles may be adjusting to a redistribution of the workload following an adjustment. In other instances, chiropractic treatment can release blocked energy in your nervous system. Although better communication between nerves and muscles is desirable, opening the nervous system pathways can release built-up toxins into the body, leading to temporary fatigue or flu-like symptoms.

No change. There is no reason for concern if you do not feel any changes following a chiropractic session. Everyone’s body responds differently to adjustments and other treatments. Your muscles and joints may require additional sessions to undo the cause of your discomfort, or you may begin to notice subtle sensations the day after your treatment.

Contact a chiropractor to discuss a plan for treating your symptoms and what you might experience afterward.

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