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Risks Associated with PRP - Top Med

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is an alternative way of treating a number of conditions. Not only does it boast of beauty treatments to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, it can be an effective way of treating hair loss, managing chronic pain and healing from injuries. For those suffering from chronic pain or injury, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can be an effective treatment. This is especially the case for those looking for a quicker recovery time and to avoid more invasive procedures like surgery. This leaves many wondering whether PRP comes with any risk factors and whether or not the procedure is painful. Speaking with a healthcare provider with experience in PRP treatments may be helpful in determining if you are a proper candidate for PRP. 

The Risks Are Low

Although the risks for complications during PRP procedures are fairly low, there is still the possibility of problems arising. Because the injections are made up of your own blood, the chance of complications are nil because there is no chance of an allergic reaction from PRP. However, it’s still possible to experience complications such as:

  • Infection from the needle (the likelihood is less than 1%)
  • Redness and Swelling (associated with infection)
  • Nerve Damage

The risks are incredibly rare and are primarily associated with the needle that is being injected into the affected area. Side effects and effectiveness of PRP may vary depending on the area being treated and whether there are any underlying medical conditions present in the patient. This is a primary reason that it is key to consult with a PRP physician prior to treatment to determine if you qualify for PRP. 

Is PRP Painful?

Because PRP is minimally invasive, the process is far less painful than if a patient were to endure surgery. The level of pain experienced during treatment largely varies depending on the area of the body that is receiving the injection. For most, there is minimal pain experienced at the injection site. Some patients may experience an increase in pain levels at the injection site following the procedure. This is expected to dissipate in the days following the procedure and is usually manageable by over the counter pain medications. 

Make Sure You are a Candidate

Although there are a number of benefits, PRP may not be the right course of treatment for everyone. It’s important to speak with a PRP provider in your area to determine if you are an appropriate candidate. Your doctor will review your medical history and assess your injury to determine if you are a good candidate for PRP. Some signs PRP may not be the right course of treatment for you include:

  • You have cancer or have had cancer in the last 5 years
  • You are taking blood thinners
  • You have an infection or are prone to them
  • You are a diabetic 
  • You suffer from a blood borne disease such as HIV, Malaria or Hep C
  • You have severe osteoarthritis or serious structural damage 

You will want to make sure that you are obtaining a treatment that gives you the best opportunity at success. Discussing with your doctor your medical history will be key in determining if PRP is right for you. 

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy may be the proper course of treatment for chronic pain or an injury you are suffering. As a hair loss doctor like Dr. Robin Unger can explain, it’s important to note that with any procedure complications can arise. However, by accessing a provider with experience in PRP treatment can ensure that you are fully educated regarding PRP and the options that may be right for you. To learn more information regarding the benefits and risks associated with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, contact a doctor with experience in this area of practice. 

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