Can A Chiropractor Help With Neuropathy?
Do you suffer from chronic pain numbness in your arms, hands, legs or feet? Do your knees feel weak or inflamed? Do you get frequent headaches or are just generally feel pain of some sort? These are some of the symptoms of neuropathy, which affects about twenty million people in the United States alone. A chiropractor Rockville, MD trusts can help treat neuropathy and the symptoms that go along with it. Depending upon the source of the neuropathy, they may be able to eliminate the condition entirely or at least control the pain with chiropractic treatments and other types of plans.
Neuropathy is the result of nerve damage or disease. Diabetes is the majority of neuropathic patients although there are several other potential causes for the pain associated with neuropathy. These include:
- You experienced a traumatic injury
- Infection
- Metabolic Disorders
- Alcohol abuse that has been occuring over a long period of time
- Toxin and heavy metal exposure, which includes certain chemotherapy drugs
- Tumors that may be putting pressure on certain nerves
- AIDS, HIV, Lyme disease, hypothyroidism
- Any condition or disease that affects liver and kidney function
- Vitamin B deficiencies
It is important that you discover the cause behind your neuropathy before seeking treatment to determine and eliminate any other underlying factors that are contributing to the condition.
There are several types of peripheral ner damage:
- Motor nerve damage is associated with weakening of the muscles. Other symptoms are cramps, twitching muscles that is noticeable under the skin, decreasing size of muscles or atrophy, and a decrease in reflexes.
- Large sensory nerve damagecauses many different symptoms because these nerves have several different functions. If there is damage to the large sensory fibers it can impede touch, which lessens the sensation in hands and feet. Large sensory damage also results in a loss of reflexes. You may lose your sense o balance when you shut your eyes.
- Small sensory nerve damage can inhibit the body’s ability to feel pain or temperature change. This is very serious if you suffer from diabetes because of losing the sensation in the feet.
- Autonomic Nerve Damage is comprised of very diverse symptoms because these nerves almost every organ in the body. Most common symptoms of this type of damage include bladder control loss, not able to sweat normally, and the muscles that contract and expand blood vessels cannot be controlled.
Using diagnostic tools, including advanced nerve testing, and meeting with a neurologist can assist you in determining if what you are suffering from has a hidden cause or if there is truly no known cause for your pain. This can rule out the more serious causes up front. You need to determine if your neuropathy is caused from high blood sugar levels as diabetes can lead to further damaging the nerves.
Neuropathy treatments may include chiropractic adjustments, injections for inflammation, and physical therapy. Your chiropractor may also talk about nutrition and what foods to possibly avoid and what foods to make sure you include in your diet.
If you are experiencing any unusual weakness, pain or tingling in your hands or feet you should see your doctor right away. It is easier to treat and control your symptoms if you are diagnosed and treated early.
Thank you to our contributors at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center for their insight into neuropathy.